Some interesting information…

Who am I?
Where the Grand Caledonian Curling Club was instituted in 1838 for the purpose “of regulating the ancient Scottish game of Curling by general laws” it was the four by two form of the game that was chosen and by the early 1860s this form had ousted all the others. By 1842 the new national club had sought and obtained royal patronage, and it has ever since been known as The Royal Caledonian Curling Club (RCCC).
From 1838 onwards the game exploded in popularity until by the last decades of the nineteenth century every county had at least one club affiliated with the RCCC, and almost every parish in the land had its custom-made curling pond.
The Royal Caledonian Curling Club promote the game by providing medals for play between member clubs, by favouring the institution of groups of clubs into provinces so that larger bonspiels could be played, and by the institution of Grand Matches whereby the North of Scotland could play the South, and in a very real sense the whole nation could participate in its “ain game”.
Our Story
Originally curlers played on natural lochs and specially constructed ponds. Some seasons were barren, for the ice never carried. Though there had been indoor ice rinks at Manchester and Southport in the latter part of the nineteenth century it was not until 1907 that the first indoor rink in Scotland, Crossmyloof in Glasgow, was built. Two more rinks opened in Edinburgh in 1912, and one in Aberdeen in the same year. Only one survived in 1917. A new rink opened in Glasgow in 1928 – again at Crossmyloof- and nine more in the ice hockey boom of the late 1930s which followed the remarkable winning of the gold medal in that sport by the Great Britain team at the Winter Olympics in 1936. From the 1960s onwards there was a new boom in ice-rink building and in 2014 Scotland had twenty two rinks providing ice for the game.
Find Peace and Harmony on the Ice